Wills Chiropractic
Dr. Bryan Wills
(285 Reviews)
Verified by Just Healthy
Opening Hours
7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
2:00 – 6:00 PM
7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Phone Number:
+1 815-562-5333
Patient Reviews
Nonia Blood
They are greatly focused on your care plan to get your body back on track! Very helpful, flexible, and informative. Staff always have smiles on their faces and genuinely want you to get better and succeed. Highly recommended. I love going. Fantastic team.
Amanda Chapman
The team at Wills treats you like family! They have been caring and supportive with all of the questions and concerns I’ve brought up to them about my newborn. They listen, explain, and adjust her with such attentiveness. It’s easy to trust the team to take care of me and my daughters. Exceptional care and compassion!
Meghan Litwiller
My chiropractic journey started in Michigan when I was in high school. When I moved to Illinois in 2022, I procrastinated on getting this set up again.
It wasn’t until May 2024 that I began having hip and lower back pain again. It was time to get back to the chiropractor. I am still not very familiar with all the service providers in the area, but I stumbled across Wills Chiropractic. The reviews on Google were phenomenal so I took a shot in the dark and made an appointment. Little did I know, what started with a little hip and lower back pain would drastically change my life 2 weeks later.
I got my first menstrual cycle at 15 years old. This was very painful and put me in the ER due to multiple ovarian cyst rupturing and significant blood loss. I was immediately put on birth control which took my menstrual cycle away entirely. In 2020 I made the decision to be taken off birth control, but my menstrual cycle never returned. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). In 2022, I was diagnosed with infertility and my husband and I started the fertility journey.
I was informed that I would not be able to have children without medical intervention because of the PCOS. I began taking many medications and having multiple procedures done all in hopes to someday have a child. All the testing came back 100% normal for both my husband and I… except I wasn’t ovulating. “It’s the PCOS - that’s what happens. We should move forward with insemination” is what I was told. I was heartbroken. I was depressed and I hated my body because as a woman my body could not do the one thing it was supposed to do. We paused everything and chose to step away from the fertility journey for a while.
My first appointment with Wills Chiropractic consisted of a full medical history and X-rays. Dr. Hunter was thorough and kind when listening to my story. It became about so much more than hip and lower back pain. Dr. Hunter validated me and heard me for a woman and person- not just another patient.
A week or so later I met with Dr. Bryan to go over my scans. I had multiple subluxations, but he was confident in a treatment plan. What stuck out to me was that one of the subluxations in my lower back was pinching the nerves to my reproductive system! I was instantly curious about this, but remained hesitant to shield myself from further disappointment in my fertility journey. A few days later I started treatment at Wills Chiropractic.
My second treatment appointment consisted of spinal decompression therapy and an adjustment. I was lying on the adjustment table and Dr. Bryan pushed on my lower back. I instantly felt a sensation in my lower left abdomen and my first thought was “my ovary just turned on”. My second thought was “don’t be an idiot- we are not going down this rabbit hole”. I put it out of my mind, again to shield from any more disappointment and hurt.
Exactly one week after I had this experience, I woke up to my first natural menstrual cycle (without any medication intervention) in 16 years! It was like my body was trying to ovulate all along, but the signal could not travel from my brain to my ovaries because of the pinched nerve. I was ecstatic, and had many tears of joy. I had never been more excited to feel so miserable! It was the most natural period cycle I have ever had in my life and all from an adjustment at Wills Chiropractic.
I’m still hesitant and shielding from future disappointment regarding my fertility journey. But for the first time, I have hope that maybe this will not be the journey I was told it had to be. All of the staff at Wills Chiropractic have genuinely made me feel at home and a part of their family. I am so thankful I stumbled across them and look forward to continuing my journey with them.
Christina Rose
Great customer service!
I spent over 3 weeks in severe pain from a pinched nerve in my neck- after 1 week of visits and stretches .. I’m back to feeling better than I was before! Can’t believe I wasted 3 weeks at doctors visits saving my literally thousands of dollars!
Strongly recommend!!
Carolyn Capes
I started going to Wills Chiropractic last August. I had chronic sciatic pain, scoliosis, and neuropathy. This last session of pain lasted over 8 months and I wasn't sure if I could take another day of it. Dr. Bryan helped me 18 years ago, so I thought that I needed to take that step and go back to him for help. I was surprised to find that now there is a team working together for each patient. I had x-rays and to my surprise my spine was in far worse condition than I knew. I was unable to stand up for any amount of time and every step was painful and embarrassing. I couldn't sleep and lived my life dependent on Ibuprofen and ice packs. Together the team worked out a plan for me. Now I'm able to walk upright and stand. My life is improving every day and it's not the struggle that it was. In addition to constant pain, I lived in despair and depression. Their encouragement and positive attitudes also bought me out of that. They work on so many levels of our health and I feel lucky and smart to have made that move back.
About Dr. Bryan Wills
$49 For First Shockwave Session
Wills Chiropractic